Library – links to this new world

For those who want to learn a lot more

If you have the time and energy, here is a collection of links to articles, videos, and web pages.

The modules are your priority, so like an offline library, come here for inspiration and knowledge if you have the time after studying the modules each week.

Everything here supports the viewpoints in this course. As my English skills have their limits, I will let other people do the talking. It is important to spread this message to as many people as possible. Yes, you can get better regardless of your condition, disease, or symptoms, if you start reducing stress. It is not easy, and it will take some time, but it is always worth doing as you slowly become better and better.





  1. Overcoming hopelessness – Nick Vujicic mostly for you who have mood problems
  2. I got 99 problems, and palsy is just one | Maysoon Zayid Woman with Sclerosis. A woman with sclerosis.
  3. Rangan Chatterjee:” How to make diseases disappear.”  He explains that illnesses do not occur from one day to the next. So instead of treating the symptoms as you do now, you can treat the causes. He mentions diet, stress, sleep, physical activity, intestinal health, infections, environmental toxins. So if you have emotional problems, for example, eating too much (easily digestible carbohydrates), you will be at high risk of getting diabetes. You can turn it around and ask yourself what diseases you will get if you continue as you are now. So it is, in his view, the healthy ones that need to be treated before they get sick. This will not be symptom treatment but minor lifestyle changes. I totally agree with him.


 Do not put restrictions on yourself and others

  1. Karen Gaffney a college-educated and channel swimmer with Down’s syndrome.
  2. This link is in danish: it is Nikolaj Carlsen. He is a Master in communication with Downs syndrome.
  3. For those of you who have Facebook a clip about a girl with Downs who becomes a master of gymnastics, Don’t let the myths about genes restrict you. Another clip here. She is fearless, and we can learn a lot from that.
  4. People with Progeria have an expected age of 12-30 years, but there are examples of some who are 40 years or older. It gets a somewhat unexpected ending as her mother comes to visit … she also has a diagnosis.


Our natural ability to heal wounds, colds, and much more by calming down when we are safe:


  1. The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs: Episode 1 – English documentary – 1 hour Here, a doctor talks about how medicine doesn’t always help, as we think.
  2. The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs: Episode 2 – English documentary – 1 hour Here, a doctor talks about how medicine doesn’t always help, as we think.
  3. Derren Brown: There are countless YouTube clips showing hypnosis, mind-reading, memory challenges, and seduction of the audience. In addition, he has a credible ability to reveal what he is doing, so we are continually becoming wiser about how advertising and fraudsters can manipulate us. He is my favorite entertainment a rainy day  Fear And Faith – Pt-1 Full  This video is a must-see: Here’s how the Placebo effect reduces the fears of 4 people taking pills in the belief that it is medicine and not sugar tablets. In addition, he has a lot of clips of what man can do. And how we can be easily influenced. Very entertaining and provocative
  4. Placebo as medication  Articles and videos
  5. Placebo: Cracking the Code,” Nicholas Humphrey: They say that placebo is beginning to be recognized as the medicine of the future (there is a small hole in the movie, just wait)
  6. Placebo Effect in Parkinson’s Disease: World Parkinson Coalition A small clip that says you want to start integrating placebo into the treatment of Parkinson’s 
  7. Great Placebo “show” with Derren Brown – English – 50 minutes
  8. Video about a scientist and the placebo effect
  9. Lissa Rankin: Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves?” TEDx placebo-effect is an annoying truth in research. It is a problem in the research of new medicine.
  10. TopTenzNet: Top 10 Interesting Facts About the Placebo Effect   10 interesting things about the placebo effect. The most interesting thing is that if you divide a group of patients going to have surgery into two groups and give both surgeries. One group receiving an operation that repaired their problem. The other group received an operation that did not change the problem – a placebo operation. Both groups healed
  11. Yodod: Placebo Effect – Surgery:  Here, a doctor talks about his complicity in a trial of placebo surgery
  12. The Royal Institution: Why does the placebo effect work? A brief comment on the placebo effect. We are in pain/fever/nausea to teach us that we are doing something wrong. We must look to get away and call for help. Once we are back in a safe environment, we can begin to heal and release soothing hormones that when we are again close to a reliable figure (mother, doctor, or pill), we think helps us, then we begin to heal.
  13. The Power of Drug Color: Take the Blue Pill… Unless You Love Italian Soccer   Blue pill calms you down, red gives you energy unless you are from Italy.
  14. TedTalk: Ian Harris:
  15. Surgery: The Ultimate Placebo Interview with Dr. Ian Harris
  16. Surgery: the Ultimate Placebo


  1. The Fight Flight Freeze Response
  2. Understanding Fight or Flight – Dr. Kim D’Eramo Freeze is what we know best, but it’s mostly because we don’t connect it with people.
  3. How Freeze instinct looks in animal:4.12 minutes inside the file, we see a predator with a seemingly very dead antelope. The lion gets chased away. The antelope shakes itself back to life and runs away. The animal uses the Psoasm muscle (tenderloin) and shakes itself out of the freeze state. Of course, humans have this instinct too. Some people faint due to fear. Others are shaking with terror. However, it is also available in much smaller versions. You will be stunned and unable to move. Or you are so much in doubt that you cannot decide to go left or right and do the right things. We, humans, are just not so good at shaking ourselves off the condition again.
  4. Another example 11.30 .12 minutes inside the video, you see a bear with freeze instinct.
  5. Here are a few examples where people think they are hypnotizing their pets. We can discuss whether it is hypnosis. From my biological perspective, they bring their animals to this freeze (freeze) state of survival. In any case, an unexpected move is made, which puts the animal in a weak position where they cannot get off, or at least have so much doubt that it is a good idea that they are lying down.1: How to hypnotize a rabbit,  2: Chicken hypnotism,   3: How To Hypnotize Your dog
    As humans, we know that we can become completely paralyzed from being in doubt until we make a decision. If you get into threatening situations, you will use either escape, freeze, or fight. But which one do you choose? In reality, you probably can’t decide.


  1. The Power of the Brain-Body Connection | Mat Boulé | TEDxLaval


  1. 50 symptoms of stress
  2. 241 Different Symptoms of Anxiety (Grouped)
  3. What Caffeine Does To Your Brain And Body
  4. You CAN walk to reduce stress: Scientists discover how a stroll can soothe the brain.
  5. Video with 10 good reasons to walk every day: What Will Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day
  6. Reduce stress in nature: I do not need an article to know that being out in nature makes me feel better, but here you have an abstract from an article: Psychological effects of forest environments on healthy adults: Shinrin-yoku (forest-air bathing, walking) as a possible method of stress reduction.
  7. Abstract: Efficacy of Tai Chi, brisk walking, meditation, and reading in reducing mental and emotional stress
  8. Neuroception: the missing piece in our children’s mental health crisis | Claire Wilson | TEDxTelford


Observe Stress



Kickstart your body

  1. Here is the video that inspired me to make an extra part about how to get energy (1 hour)
  2. The anatomy of fascia tissues and how we move too little and too wrong in the modern world: Anatomy Trains with Tom Myers s (46 minutes). As fascia has been overlooked and underestimated of science until now, you must start taking action. In the next 20 years, we will find many symptoms caused by immobile fascia.
  3. Your fascia test: Do you have good fascia tissue. Can you do similar movements with your spine and body? This video is a little hard to understand when English is not your 1. language. But fascinating, and of course, we can all do similar exercises to come closer to a healthy fascia—intrinsic Movement. The Biomorphic movement will help you with an improved range of motion.
  4. Sandrine Thuret: Ted-talk that one can form new brain cells. There is a good diet proposal.
  5. You can get more energy if your body is not all the time at a comfortable temperature. So are you living in a colder climate, so save the fuel and prolong the heat-free period. Some scientists are experimenting with how to change white fat to brown fat (video). But you can do this just by decrease the temperature in your home for free.
  6. You can get more energy if your body is not the time in comfort temperature. So are you living in a colder climate, so save the fuel and prolong the heat-free period. Some scientists are experimenting with how to change white fat to brown fat (video). But you can do this just by decrease the temperature in your home for free.
  7. Human Brown Adipose Tissue: What We Have Learned So Far
  8. Studying Brown adipose tissue is new, so there is not much information about humans—article: Metabolic adaptations in brown adipose tissue of the hamster in extreme ambient temperatures.
  9. Wim Hof Method – 20 days cold shower challenge
  10. Scott Carney: “What doesn’t kill us.” Here he explains that it is important that we challenge our body on the temperature side. Taking cold showers, winter baths, lowering the temperature of our home. This only for us to start using our bodies and all the mechanisms we have to survive. It triggers our body and gets the immune system balanced. He believes comfort is the factor that makes us sickest. So wait to turn on the heat in your house, and you will acclimate to a new lower temperature and at the same time be healthier.
  11. Studying Brown adipose tissue is new, so not much information about humans—article: Metabolic adaptations in brown adipose tissue of the hamster in extreme ambient temperatures.
  12. Fascia & The Mystery of Chronic Pain | Dana Sterling | LIFE TALK
  13. A world-known danish doctor that helps people losing weight by a method I like. By giving people new habits in many small and big areas of life, he actually helps obese people get the habits of slim people, which is why it works. You can find his APP here.
  14. Why is it important to breathe via the nose (short video 5 min)
  15. This guy really nerd with why you should use your nose to breathing: Ted talk (15 min) and his long video. So interesting
  16. Nose breathing makes you prettier –  there are several videos out there, but this guy is showing HOW to get started
  17. Overweight: Here is a very good approach called SENSE (5 minutes). Remember that ALL symptoms will reduce if your body is less stressed. So this link is for you that have a weight bigger in kg than your height in cm minus 100


Pacify your stress


Live as intended


  1. An article: we are born to move
  2. Youtube is a good place to search for a good laugh. Seach for laughter compilations
  3. TedTalk: body language,
  4. Science News, “Our brains synchronize during a conversation.”
  5. Europe held a campaign to make people exercise more. Long walks are Denmark’s answer. I hope you have organized groups like this in your country. On a webpage, you can see the upcoming trips, and then you just join if you feel like it without registration.. it is so easy
  6. Artikel about the unexpected benefits of going for a walk.
  7. Handcrafts of all sorts are good against stress
  8. You get calm and healthy by singing
  9. 15 Amazing Health Benefits of Singing
  10. A man who talks about how he can keep Parkinson’s symptoms off by dancing
  11. Search for long walks in your area. Walking and walking with other people in the sport most people can join. It gives you exercise, peace, beautiful nature. Walking for several hours is close to meditation.
  12. Helping other people releases hormones that helps you feel good
  13. Heart Beat: Music May Help Keep Your Cardiovascular System in Tune Article.
  14. Your Brain On Music – How Music Benefits The Brain (animated)(6 minutes) Small præsentation on why music is good. It can both speed you up with dopamine or slow your down with a slow rhythm.
  15. Heart Beat: Music May Help Keep Your Cardiovascular System in Tune,
  16. Review of the article: Dynamic Interactions Between Musical, Cardiovascular, and Cerebral Rhythms in Humans

Inner peace, active training

Body scan

  1. A lot of body scan and meditation on youtube…choose yourself

Qi gong

  1. A woman who has improved her Parkinson’s disease with Qi Gong, a Chinese technique that contains elements of EFT, yoga, and meditation


  1. Tony Robbins Get the Edge, Day 8: Daily Magic sound files. Lifesaving if you have a bad day or bad self-worth.


  1. Heartbeat sound White Noise 10 hours
  2. The impact of the sea on you. You are pressed into gear by the slow rhythm of the waves
  3. A brief explanation of why slow breathing seems to get calmer
  4. 5 Tibetan Rites in a drawing  and a video with the explanation, you can follow and a very masculine version of the 5 Tibetans and a search for on YouTube or several versions
  5. Sun salutation picture and plenty of videos on YouTube with this fantastic exercise.


  1. Charlie Brown, in this strip, tells how to become depressed. Mood and posture are intertwined, so do the opposite.

Mental training

  1. A psoas-muscle exercise that can help us to reduce traumas
  2. Book: Eckhart Tolle, ”Practicing the Power of Now.”
  3. A short video about how you can shake off stress as the animals do.
  4. Gut Wisdom – Partners In Wellness  A Parkinson patient shows what happens with TRE ®.


  1. Change Your Breath, Change Your Life | Lucas Rockwood | TEDxBarcelona
  2. Wim Hof: “The Iceman Demonstrates His Breathing Technique with Lewis Howes.”
  3. On Mastering Your Breath, Body, and Mind with Lewis Howes” (interview) 20 minutes of practice on how to master your breathing. It’s easy to follow yourself. Finally, in the clip, they talk about DMT. It is the substance we naturally form in the brain at birth and death. It kicks off the formation of nerve connections in the brain.
  4. Wim Hof Method – 20 days cold shower challenge
  5. Win Hof Breathing for beginners  and  A little more advanced routine
  6. Lateral breathing here is a new way of breathing that I find more natural

3: Strenuous training


Clean up your life, past, and present

  1. Charlie Brown in this strip tells how to get depressed. Mood and posture are intertwined, so do the opposite.
  2. Helping other people releases hormones that helps you feel good

Article About the CDC-Kaiser ACE Study. How childhood events affect your health. You can ad most chronic diseases to the list

Body memory

It is essential to know that our whole body stores information about both good and bad events in our lives. It made our ancestors survive. You can recognize it with the good memories you get from watching an old photo with a happy childhood memory and the bad feeling you get by seeing a picture of a person that once hurt you. You not only get the visual film of the situation but also the connected feelings from the past. Just think if the memory involved violence or abuse. The corresponding feelings, both emotional and physical, can get so big that you 50 years after call it symptoms and diseases.

  1. Dr. John E Sarno used body memory to help people resolve their back pain. It is the same theory as with other symptoms. The bare thought of you being healthy can help you. If you have more than one symptom, it, of course, get more complicated.
  2. MindBody Prescription, Dr. John Sarno. An overview video
  3. A webpage telling about both body memory and epigenetics. 


As such, this course is not about emotions. So this time around, I’m skipping it a bit. In my book, there are 50 pages about emotions and what they mean. You don’t have to read it all but look at your diary and look up the most violent or frequent emotions.

  1. How to interpret feelings A chapter from my book translated to this course. I hope one day that someone will help me translate the whole book.
  2. Book: The Passion Parado, Dean C. Delis: About the problems that can arise in relationships where one loves more than the other, as well as a therapist’s strategies that can restore balance. Exciting but heavy.
  3. Study on the association between lung disease and anger. With this article, I open up the possibility that emotions can be the cause of illness. We know it really well. If you are in an intense mood day in and day out, then, of course, your body is influenced.
  4. Tony Robbins The most amazing daily routine for those in a bad mood. Listen to it daily until you’re back on top—notice that there are multiple files 10/1 first, next, 10/2, etc.
  5. Dr. Abraham Twerski: “On Love
  6.  Tony Robbins: ”Reclaiming Your True Identity” [HD Full], About a woman her father beat.
  7. Tony Robbins: I’m not a guru: A movie that you can see on Netflix about Tony and a great seminar. His thoughts and big chunks of what happened at this seminar.
  8. Tony Robbins: “How to Overcome Depression and Change Your Life | Pt. 1.”
  9. Tony Robbins: “CURES A Woman’s Life-Long Depression” A provocative film about a young woman with depression. In 15 minutes, Tony manages to make her switch between depression, anger, and ecstasy several times to show her that it’s herself that determines her mood.


  1. Robert Gene: “Faster EFT & Eutaptics: How to tap with Faster EFT style so you can get faster and greater changes in life.”
  2. EFT Tapping for ADD or ADHD.  fin lille tapping-runde på få minutter.
  3.  Faster EFT
  4. EFT athlete
  5. EFT athlete
  6. EFT after a shooting episode in the USA
  7. EFT after earth crack in Haiti  
  8. EFT orphan after killings in Rwanda 
  9. EFT in a school
  10. EFT in a school
  11. War veterans. “EFT for War Veterans with PTSD by EFT Tapping Founder Gary Craig.” There are some clips on YouTube about War veterans and EFT.
  12. Video about a woman using EFT to improve her sclerosis
  13. Video about a woman with sclerosis who is re-training with EFT
  14. The effect of emotional freedom techniques on stress biochemistry: a randomized controlled trial.
  15. Post about many different ways to reduce the stress hormone cortisol
  16. Faster EFT is developed by Robert G. Smith 
  17. Robert G. Smith talks about Faster-EFT
  18. Dr. Kim D’Eramo tells his medical colleagues about the benefits of EFT
  19. Article: Clinical EFT as an Evidence-Based Practice for the Treatment of Psychological and Physiological Conditions
  20. Touching clip from a child-cancer department

Timeline therapy

  1. George Gillas. Timeline Therapy Overview. Here’s an 18-minute explanation of timeline therapy and how and why it works.


  1. The Times talks about Hypnosis. As I can see, there is a connection here to the placebo effect. Those who can easily calm themselves are also guaranteed those who are easily hypnotized. It is called self-hypnosis when you believe in what you “say” to yourself.
  2. In Module P, hypnotist Kimi Sand gives you some gentle relaxation audio files for better well-being. If you have violent feelings or symptoms, it’s time to get some better thoughts.
  3. Hypnosis for Parkinson’s: eTrue Media”: A video clip about a woman that is helped to reduce her Parkinson’s tremor

NLP – a toolbox of help

  1. NLP is a great, easily accessible coaching ‘toolbox.’ With many big and small tools to understand other people and become better.
  2. This Course is based on my modeling project on how people with chronic diagnoses managed to break the curve or even break free of their diagnosis. Modeling is part of NLP, So here is some link to NLP knowledge.
  3. NLP – A Free Library of NLP resources
  4. NLP Presuppositions and their use with MS


  1. Trauma release: If you go into shock due to a violent experience, you get out of the shock by the body’s psoas muscle [i] (tenderloin) in the lower back shaking. You say you shake the experience. It is quite natural, but man as a species has lost this ability, or it is difficult for us. Animals that experienced trauma are usually better able to recover from them. Captive animals that cannot use this natural mechanism can also experience trauma just like us. Some people get shakes after anesthesia. It is due to natural trauma healing.
  2. Trauma tremor:  11.30 minutes in the video, a polar bear is seen stunned. Here you can see how animals react to trauma. It shakes the trauma away, as all animals are designed for.
  3. Trauma tremor:  4.12 minutes into the video, we see a lion with a seemingly very dead antelope. The lion gets chased away. The antelope shakes itself back to life and runs away.
  4. An article where a Psychologist tells about Complex PTSD Preverbal Memories Dr. Arielle Schwartz
  5. Dissociation and trauma  How freeze instinct in extreme cases can make you diseased
  6. Does fascia holds memories (body memory) Article
  7. Gut memories: Towards a cognitive neurobiology of irritable bowel syndrome(body memory) Article
  8. To learn, to remember, to forget—How smart is the gut? Abstract of an article. You can find a lot of hits on the subject: memory, brain cells, gut.


Engage in reducing symptoms


Other literature

  1. Brain training. What you do not use, you lose. That is also true with brain functions. So if you have any problems with your brain or are afraid of losing your skills, you can try out these two very good programs. You can stay on their free part for a very long time and still get the benefit.
    Loumosity very nice game that gives you 10 minutes of exercise every day.
    Neuronations in these games are not explained, but it is part of it to figure out the idea. There are more memory games in this

  2. When Can a Fetus Hear?. As soon as you can feel and hear, you will be influenced by your surroundings and your mother

  3. Book: Kevin Leman: The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are
  4. 6 human needs of Tony Robbins: 6 important values ​​for a human being in a developed country: Variety, security, love, development, meaningfulness, helping others
  5. Your genes are dependent on stress in your surroundings Epigenetics and Transgenerational Inheritance
  6. If you Google the trauma influence on the immune system. Some articles show that trauma can affect the immune system, making it both less active and overactive. I did not find any good overview articles. NB. Trauma is in many of these articles also from injuries and accidents. They also give clues to memory.
  7. Immunsystem: Journal of Leukocyte Biol. 2012 Sep, 92(3): 539–551. “Trauma equals danger—damage control by the immune system.” Veit M. Stoecklein, Akinori Osuka, and James A. Lederer
  8. Review about science about Adverse Babyhood Experiences Increase Risk for Autoimmune Disease
  9. Article: Babies start learning from before birth.
  10. Undoing the harm of childhood trauma and adversity
  11. Some people combine emotions, thoughts, and senses differently than most. Maybe we all have our own peculiarities here, too, regarding the perception of symptoms and emotions. Smelling Colors: Our Brains Associate Odors With Color — Fruity Smells Are Pink. Even this sounds extreme, what do we know about how other people feel and sense – nothing – we just assume that we are all similar, but we are not.
  12. TEDtalk: A huge collection of lectures of 15-20 minutes of marvelous knowledge. Search for your diagnosis/symptom in the search box, and maybe a related lecture will appear.
  13. Mark Epstein: How to break apart without falling apart – a Buddhist view of wholeness. This is about the easiest way to eliminate trauma. Namely, being in the feeling until it disappears. However, this method is painfully slow.
  14. English slide show on whole-brain personality theory: From that, you can probably recognize your favorites among the four personality types. All people are a bit of each, but often one or two are dominant.
  15. A great document about personality types and personal development – Spiral dynamics
  16. Life Event, Stress, and Illness
  17. The biology of fear- and anxiety-related behaviors
  18. Is the frequent occurrence of cautious people in Parkinson’s in fact a sign of life in freeze/flight stress response??
  19. Interview with Colin Potter – How He Dramatically Improved His Parkinson’s Symptom’s
  20. Links where you can do the TRE exercise while watching the video. Have a soft mattress and a pillow for the last exercise. It is a hard and good exercise, so it is no waste of time if it is not working the first time.
  21. mattschwent: psoas trauma release: A link 
  22. A female instructor doing Deep Psoas Trauma Release
  23. TREtrauma release exercises. TRE® is unfortunately protected, so I cannot describe the technique. Therapy was 5 simple gymnastic exercises, recreates the tremor in the body that you should get after trauma. As we suppress our biology, it does not happen automatically, and you get side effects after the trauma they have experienced. Peter A. Levine, “In an Unspoken Voice – How the body releases trauma and restore goodness.” This book opened my eyes to the fact that trauma sets in the body. The book is very heavy to read but explains how the body and brain are nerves connected and what happens during trauma. It indicates how to get rid of trauma based on fight, flight, freeze response theory. Here’s a YouTube video where Peter Levine talks about his theory and shows part of a war veteran therapy: Peter Levine’s Secret to Releasing Trauma from the Body:
  24. Video with the trauma technic TRE®
  25. Jessica Schaffer: TRE®: Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises, an Introduction:  a short video about how you can shake off stress as the animals do.
  26. Gut Wisdom – Partners In Wellness  A Parkinson patient shows what happens with TRE ®.
  27. TRECoachOnline “Introduction to TRE® A clip with the explanation.
  28. Here are war veterans that show you the TRE® in the last stage, where a tremor releases the trauma. Animals use tremors and are a lot better than us.
  29. Peter Levine tells about his theory and shows TRE® therapy with a war veteran.
  30. Video with the trauma technic TRE® do it together with the video
  31. Jessica Schaffer: TRE®: Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises, an Introduction

Specific about diseases

  1. Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines (18 minutes video) Sarah Hallberg
  2. Is it ADHD? Or Could it be Trauma (by Helene Goble)
  3. Wiki a program called ”Son-Rise” for autistic babies, where they help by imitating the baby. It is similar to what all mothers do (f there is no cellphone nearby)
  4. The Alzheimer’s Society has a page here with links to several articles on the relationship between stress and dementia
  5. Parkinson’s and psychoses A psychosis is an extremely freeze reaction … I think 🙂
  6. Article: Autism as an Infantile Post-trauma Stress Disorder
  7. Eleanor Longden: “The voices in my head” (TED talk). A short lecture on her problems hearing voices and her struggle to overcome them
  8. Fight, Flight, Freeze=Fibromyalgia?
  9. Article: Early Life Stress, Depression And Parkinson’s Disease: A New Approach
  10. Book:  Robert Gorter, M.D., Ph.D.,Erik Peper, Ph.D.: Fighting Cancer. About the freeze response

Feel free to send me good content to this library on That can be your way of helping other people.