Chris Irwin

Chris Irwin is a former U.S. Navy SEAL veteran and mind fitness coach, who have healed himself from PTSD

Who is Chris Irwin

Chris Irwin is a former U.S. Navy SEAL veteran and mind fitness coach. After exiting the military, he struggled for over a decade with chronic mental and physical illness. Every day was a mix of panic attacks, brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, and other debilitating symptoms. But despite seeing dozens of doctors, trying all sorts of alternative therapies, and ingesting thousands of supplements, nothing fixed his problems. In 2019, he got so low that he nearly took his own life. Then, he started examining his mind in depth, identifying destructive behaviors, and training himself toward better ones. The reality was that even with all his training on how to be mentally tough, he wasn’t mentally fit.
The bridge between PTSD and Parkinson's

A soldier goes to war as a whole person but can come home "broken" due to post-traumatic stress disorder. Everyone knows this relationship and understands this connection. What only a few realize is that a person with a chronic disease like Parkinson's has signs of PTSD but cannot relate to which of the episodes in their life that gave them these symptoms. Instead, they have a few more significant and smaller traumas - or body memories, as we call them.

- Lilian Sjøberg Founder of

Chris and Hope shortcut

Gary Sharpe introduced Lilian to Chris, and this interview started their cooperation. Listen to learn more about him.

Chris' recovery

The shift toward recovery happened when he realized all the ways his mind was at the root of his illness and started working to reverse the damage he was doing. Over the next few years, he explored every aspect of mental training he could find, from meditation and breathing to emotional release techniques and energy work. Eventually, he rid himself of all his symptoms, including the physical ones, and emerged with a new lease on life and an understanding of what it takes to build a genuinely fit mind.

Treating invisible wounds

Unfortunately, very few people understand the power they have to heal themselves. Chris’ mission now is to teach others the methods he uncovered in a structured methodology. Treating invisible wounds, decoding mysterious conditions, and ultimately thriving are all possible. And none of it requires supplements, drugs, or therapy.

The seven mind killers

Chris’ work centers on the seven “mind-killers,” tendencies we all have to sabotage our mental health, and learning effective countermeasures for each. His holistic approach involves meditation, breathwork, journaling, and other exercises designed to develop better mental habits and build mind fitness.


"A few years ago, I was in an extremely dark place. I felt closed off, shameful, distant, and feared everything. Chris helped guide me in ways to see clearly again. I can’t recommend Chris’ material enough to firefighters across the nation.”
Travis Evans
“Chris helped me change the way I act and react to my own self talk. He gave me suggestions to work on my internal thought process that changed the way I think about myself. I have never been in a better head space, I have never been this focused, and I have truly never been this happy.”
Conor Murphy
Trainer, Big Night Fitness
"What really hit home for us was looking at mental fitness the same way we look at health and wellness. I'd never really thought of it that way. It's such a clarifying way of looking at a complex topic. To be able to have somebody like Chris bring that to light was huge. I can't recommend him enough.”
Danny Matta
Founder, PT Biz

Why not use real-life experiences to recover

Irene Treacy

International Holistic Parkinson’s Coach

Irene Treazy



International Holistic Parkinson's Coach
I provide personalized support to clients worldwide through one-on-one private coaching, group coaching, and online programs.


Helping you rethink your relationship with Parkinson´s

Empowering you to slow the progression by adapting and maintaining healthy lifestyle behaviour’s through scientifically proven modalities. Providing practical, beneficial, easy to follow, cost-effective educational & exercise program’s that WILL improve your quality of life.


Our transformative Parkinson’s Retreats are changing experience tailored specifically for those living with Parkinson’s. Join International Parkinson’s Coach Irene Treacy to engage in physical, mental and spiritual teachings

These retreats are a unique opportunity to explore new techniques for slowing the progression of Parkinson’s while enjoying the healing environment of Lanzarote.

These retreats aren’t just about managing Parkinson’s – they’re about reclaiming your independence and joy, and shaping a future filled with possibilities. 

Smovey is a multi-award winning vibration therapy tool

Invented by a man with Parkinson’s to improve mobility, flexiblity and more.

Smovey is generating the vibration. This vibration occurs within a frequency range that is in consonance with the human organism. It is immediately palpable in the palms of the hands.

  1. Activates surfaces and deep muscles
    Stimulates the nervous system
  2. Supports the lymphatic flow
  3. Promotes metabolism and blood circulation
  4. Strengthens cardiovascular system and endurance
  5. Trains balance, coordination and agility




“ I can't explain how it works - I just know it does!”

I have Multiple Sclerosis for 22 years now. Its affecting me more in recently, I find it very debilitating & restricting. I was introduced to Smovey 4 weeks ago by my friend in MS Ireland and was then given classes on by Irene. I do most of the exercises sitting down and have increased strength in my arms. I can honestly say that I feel so much better since I have started using Smovey I am bringing them on holiday with me as I'd hate to miss my exercises with them. I would highly recommend Smovey to everybody.
Eileen Nolan - Waterford, Ireland

“ What a fantastic course”

I joined, unsure whether I would learn anything, as a retired doctor I thought I was fairly well versed on the various treatment options available... Topics ranged from gratitude, breathing and why we shouldn't watch the news, to the stages of grief, visualisation, meditation and many more. I learned something new almost every day, I have put into practice many of the things we learned as they make me feel better.It was great to meet wonderful, funny & inspirational people on the course & whom I still meet on a weekly in the Graduate course.
Dr. S Lorimor (retired) - Dundee, Scotland

Why not take a shortcut to better health via Irenes openminded presence and yearlong experience