What to find in the Community

On this page you get the overview of this Community.
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This is where you can find the archives of the installments of knowledge based material from Gary

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Dopamine Production: Phenylalanine

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The story of my life, why I got so stressed that I got symptoms, got diagnosed and my way back to better health – weekly instalments.

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Adjusting to Lower Drugs via Meditation

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Surviver stories, groupcalls, therapy stories and chapters made for an upcoming book will have a place here.

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Find new information and build up new beliefs.
The ones that heals completely spend 3 hours a days on doing so. On a rainy day this is the place to build up new knowledge


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The HOPE forum is you can find the Q+A, access behind the scenes discussions between Lilian and Gary, and start or engage in conversations and share experiences.]

[The first time you post you need approval. Sorry, it is the tool that dictate that, not us. after this, you should be able to post directly].

Latest Discussion is on Dyskinesia