The biological stress test

No more talk, let me see the test

I want the knowledge now

Gary Sharpe's gentle push to make this test available online

“I wish the doctor had given me this information at the point of diagnosis! ”

I have now read and worked through all of the Stress Test content, which I think is extraordinary and quite unique
- I haven’t come across anything like it before. It clearly is the cumulation of your years of deep study and joining the dots.

I wish I had had this information earlier after my diagnosis - it took me years afterwards to finally work out how the ways in which I was attending, presenting and reacting to the world was self-stressing, and hence making my situation and symptoms much worse.

A couple of the biological types could have been written about my own pre-symptomatic and post-diagnostic selves… match very closely… the workaholism and perfectionism, for example, which I have written about myself in my articles. It has taken so much work to progressively reduce my symptoms, and what has worked all coincides with moving more and more to the Calm Type you describe, and I can’t help but think if I had this information to begin with, I would now be further along.

It is not just the test results which are important, but working through the 40 or so questions provides a unique opportunity for people to deeply reflect on how the ways they have attended to their lives may be increasing severity of symptoms.

I think making this content in an accessible online format, could benefit a lot of people, and fast-track [or short-cut as you would say] them to a better quality of life.

As I said, I wish the doctor had given me this information at the point of diagnosis! This is confirmed by the poll in the “Overcome chronic diseases” group, where such a test came top in the list of things people wanted. The knowledge transfer opportunity of what Lilian have learned over years of study is invaluable to a lot of people. It is also a nice introductory stage for the full Online HOPEshortcut course.
Gary sharpe

"Stress is easy to live without, but difficult to avoid."

Thank you both for all the work you have done. Lilian Sjøberg for your knowledge and Gary for helping to make The stress-test accessible. My daughter who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks and myself with PD found it so enlightening. I can also see how when my father 93, who also has PD, gets stressed his cognition deteriorates dramatically.

S.C.A, Member of our Facebooc group
Overcome Chronic diseases, Parkinsons, stress, and associated symptoms

I think this test and the information it gives to help one start to reflect on and refine habits and reactions is super valuable.
I am “healthy” but I can get a variety intense and unpleasant symptoms quickly when stressed and I am hoping to learn how to wind that back before it has longer term consequences. I took the test and I have two main stress types 😂 I feel like one I have worked with longer, formed in childhood, and while the other may have roots there as well I think it is newer to me, and has become more prevalent in an attempt (conscious or unconscious) to try to tone down the other one.
Elkini Anapurna Niceling
Member of our FB group "overcome...."

I just took your stress test, and it's pretty awesome Really useful tool to help guide people to a better understanding of what may be going on for them. Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to interact with your work - it's wonderful to see Gary working alongside you, as you both share so much knowledge and insight
Grace Brownlie
Member of our FB group "overcome...."
Very well conceived and executed! I love the nuance in the quiz, the structure, and the interpretations. I’d be curious to hear more about the theoretical constructs behind the different categories.
Lisa Elliott
Member of our FB group "overcome...."

The biological stress test

the HOPE and the shortcut to better health

My mission is to spread self-help tools and easily accessible help to all people with symptoms, stress, and diagnosis. So, if your doctor cannot help you, this course might be for you.

I know that we can help you because most people are stressed, and stress negatively influences ALL symptoms and diseases. Feel free to look up in google [your symptom in English +  stress ].

So, what if we instead investigated and reduced ALL stress in your life. Then the logic tells that you will lower your symptoms.

Maybe you say that you are not stressed. I can tell you that stress comes in many forms. If you know you have anxiety or a busy job, you know you are stressed. 

But you can be stressed in other ways as well. Take the test and see if it changes your opinion in any way.

I will focus on you, who have symptoms that vary during the day or week. These symptoms are easier to reduce.

More stable symptoms can be so heavy that you cannot feel the variation. Even if you have constant symptoms, there is a chance that the course can help you. But maybe you need more intensive support for this.

Remember that lack of vitamins and minerals often can give you constant symptoms. So a check every 2. year is a minimum.

“One of the truest signs of strength is accepting one’s own weaknesses.”

Tadahiko Nagao

Introduction to the biological stress types

Lilian Sjøberg is the woman behind the stress test, which is the precursor to the online stress course “HOPE Shortcut”.

She is an expert on feelings, stress, and trauma and what these do to you and your health.

She has worked with people with Parkinson’s, and have helped them a lot. All diseases and symptoms get worse from stress, so why not start there and learn more about yourself.

Without stress, your symptoms may be minimal. 


This test covers six different stress types: Calm, Feel, Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Embrace.

I explain the six stress types after the test. 


As a biologist, my approach to health is based on observing patterns of behaviours and instinctual responses in humans and other animals, in the context of the environments in which they live. 

This biological perspective considers symptoms as emerging from the interactions between stressors and our natures, in the context of our personal circumstances, relationships and histories. 

I developed the “stress test” based on five years of studying chronic health issues from this biological perspective, in order to help those who are suffering, and those who want to stay healthy, to also connect the dots between symptoms, stressors and instinctual patterns or behaviours. 

The biological stress test first asks you to rate how well each of 48 carefully chosen statements describe you, across 6 “stress type” or coping styles. 

Then, based on your rankings, the stress test provides you with tailored reports describing your major coping styles, strengths and weaknesses, and the ways in which your stress type may cause symptoms. Suggestions are provided of the ways you can avoid health issues or reduce impact on symptoms, based on addressing weaknesses of your stress type.


In the last hundred years or more we have forgot that we are a lot closer to the rest of the mammals. 

  • The genetic DNA similarity between chimpanse and human beings is 99%
  • The genetic DNA similarity between pigs and human beings is 98%

We also share our instincts. In a modern world we do not heed the danger instincts Fight, flight and freeze and we have supressed them, and seldom talk about them. When I started coaching people with chronic disease I found that symptoms had a big overlap with the symptoms from being stressed. 

The long haulers from Covid also emphazised that losing senses like smell and taste is a typical stress sign and is found as long haulers of other diseases as well. Being in a pandemic is causing a lot of fear.

So based on my biological knowledge and my observations as a therapist I have made this test to give you a wake up call. Of causes you can become better, by reducing stress in your life.

All people are a mixture of these six types!

We can all learn to become calmer in our everyday lives, so no matter what primary stress type you are, every type gains something from reading about the Calm type to gain insight into maintaining a healthy body. Of course, it is most beneficial to be at ease and calm all the time, but only a few people manage this every day.

There are six categories, and each category has questions you are about to answer.

The category with the highest score is your primary stress type.

On the pages after the test, you can read about your primary type, and if your secondary is close, read that too.

Please remember: 
You have not had any influence on how you ended up like this! 

But being conscious about your automatic patterns is the first step to improving your health and becoming more stress-tolerant.

This test is based on biological knowledge of fight, flight, and freeze instinct theory, in conjunction with my experiences coaching people with various problems, symptoms, and diseases.

Longterm stress gives you physical symptoms

The future will show that stress is closely related to any disease. You can reduce the symptoms or even avoid the breakthrough of most diseases if you learn to be calm most of the time.

The reason is that biological stress affects all symptoms. Stress and pressure might be the root cause of a lot of symptoms and diseases.

Time will show if this is correct, but that is how new knowledge is trending right now.

Due to the relationship between stress and symptoms, therapists like me can help people reduce symptoms and diseases, as most people have ongoing or frequent stress impacting their health. You can start asking yourself: What happened in the time just before I became diseased? Or: Did I have the life I hope for my children or grandchildren to have. Many of the people who become healthy after life-threatening illness say, “they have changed their lives,” that they have reduced their working hours and fill their lives with creative hobbies or the likes. Their focus has shifted from job and career to health and family.

© 2022 All Rights Reserved HOPEshortcut -
Lilian Sjøberg


For $24 you get access to this test.

The tests asks you score 48 statements about yourself…. and evaluates your stress type based on the results, provides a tailored report with practical advice and next steps”

You can take the test as many times as you want. 

You get lifetime access.

This test will help you to find out that people are a lot more different than we think and all types have pitfalls. 

If you are symptomatic your stresstype is a clue, that you can do something to change your life and how you can start with small steps.

You need to realize clearly that you are stressed, and this test can help you.

The day you want to do something about your stress and symptoms, the next level is the online HOPEshortut course where you build a platform on how to make a transformation from symptomatic to more healthy person

No more talk, let me see the test

I want the knowledge now