Click on the pictures to learn more
The Gordian Knot of Parkinsons and the clues to solve it
Parkinson’s disease is very stress-related – that we can all agree.
But are we missing something obvious that might help?
We need to gather knowledge that is already out there and then “connect the dots”.
It took me 3 years to do so.
Becoming Aware of my Overthinking
Becoming Aware of my Overthinking Mind
and Making Friends with my Inner Four-Year-Old
Review of HOPEshortcut online course
In short, I feel that the material presented in the course is not only unique and extraordinary but also highly empowering for people with diseases
How you treat yourself
Hear Nicole talking about her second therapy session with HOPEshortcut.
What I wish everyone knew about stress
Hear Nicole talking about her first therapy session with HOPEshortcut
Art as a hobby
Hear Thiphanie talking about Art as a hobby
Dancing as a hobby
Hear May talking about Dancing and stitching as a hobby
Quilting as a hobby
I use Quilting as a relaxing and comforting hobby when my disease gives me anxiety.