The Gordian Knot of Parkinsons
and the clues that help us solve it

Parkinson’s disease is very stress-related – that we can all agree.

But are we missing something obvious that might help?

We need to gather knowledge that is already out there and then “connect the dots”.
It took me 3 years to do so working 3 hours a day. I will do my best to show you the findings and add some of my own insights.

Here is  a man with Parkinson’s. He has problems walking, which is a typical Parkinson’s symptom. According to the current belief, this is a sign that he has a problem with dopamine in his brain, and this is easy to see in the first half of the video

In the second half of the video, you can see him biking without any problem, which is a sign that he has no problem with his dopamine production.

What’s going on? The answer to this strange phenomenon is that something gives him a limitation in the dopamine while walking, but not while he is biking. Other people can have problems driving or they might have no problems driving but difficulty with something else. Every person has their unique combination of symptoms and unique scenarios as to when they are having particular symptoms or not having them.

Here is an exciting shoe design that lets Parkinson’s people with freeze symptoms walk with “ease” due to a beam of light on the floor. So here you see that a visual sign that can catch your attention and help you. The person that has problems with freeze episodes will, with these shoes, be able to walk.

BUT how can a chronic disease be helped by light.
Because it helps the person to walk mindfully.
(They could make you clumsy… so learn to be mindful without them)

Here you see a man with Parkinson’s who needs a walker to make his way across a room but who can easily walk down stairs. This is because he is focussed on the task, rather than his regular distracted thinking routine, because he knows that the stairs need attention if he does not want to fall. It is not the time for distracted thinking when your next step can cause you pain if you do it wrong. It is time for focus and attention. So our standard flat floor and pavement are not stimulating our brain in a good way. The brain gets “lazy” and gives you time to think about challenges that are NOT in front of you.

If you combine the above strange observations with the videos below, you are close to solving the mystery about Parkinson’s disease. Like I did.
It is a shame science is not looking in this direction. But they are coming closer.
Popping pills is not the solution to this natural biological phenomenon.
Find more information about this via the links to the right.

Listen to this video, dancing helps people with Parkinson’s disease. So after dancing for an hour, these people feel better. On YouTube, you can find numerous videos talking about the benefits of dancing.

Boxing is also good way to reduce Parkinson’s symptoms.

You can find a lot of videos about other ways you can improve Parkinson’s symptoms (and these activities will help with a lot of other diseases as well.)

What is happening? The answer is that we are actually going in and out of our survival instincts all the time and this is causing symptoms. We can not help it. It is our body trying to keep us alive.

Here is the theory explained. Your body goes into fight flight and freeze and this give you all sort of symptoms. 90% of diagnoses and symptoms is due to a body in long-term stress

We all know how animals behave: run when they are in flight instinct (=exercise), fight when in the fight instinct (=boxing, as an example), and have an intense tremor when coming out of the freeze instinct. The last half of this video shows the freeze instinct which animals use when they cannot run or fight and are close to death.

I help people with Parkinson’s to find their way OUT of instincts because that is the culprit in Parkinson’s disease and many other diseases. I am a biologist, coach, and therapist, so I have a good perspective to see these similarities between humans and animals, and I have worked for several years with Parkinson’s clients. (One client has been rescanned and is now free of his Parkinson’s diagnosis. Usually this is a process that takes a long time)

Freeze is a Parkinson’s symptom. But if you consider it a natural symptom caused by stressors, your life will become easier.


Here you see the most dramatic stress response. Close to dead. See also how the body react to get out of that startle and how tremor and deep breathing is natural when getting in and out of instincts.


Below there are different videos that hopefully can convince you about the nature of instincts.


The day the world accept that most diseases are due to instincts is the day we can do something about it.

I help people with Parkinson’s to find their way OUT of instincts because that is the culprit in Parkinson’s disease and many other diseases. I am a biologist, coach, and therapist, so I have a good perspective in seeing these similarities between humans and animals.

I have worked for several years with Parkinson’s clients. (One client has been rescanned and is now free of his Parkinson’s diagnosis.)

I have made a six-week online course about this theory and how you can get better systematically. See more here

Over several years I have studied Parkinson’s people who got better or healed and also have a handful of my own clients that are slowly improving by the systematic concept that I call the HOPE Shortcut.

You can use the ideas you see here to help reduce symptoms, but the most effective way to improve is to STOP yourself from going INTO these survival instincts, and that is how I can help you.

Join my course and get the knowledge you need to find a more systematic road to better health.

A client talking about his new view on Parkinsons

I help clients from all countries.

Here Jeppe who now understand his symptoms and has reduced them to 50% during 10 sessions, due to reduction of some severe traumas from eg. accidents – a sort of PTSD.

A client talking about herimprovements and new life

Here is a woman that integrates everything I tell her, and works dedicated.
Here she tells us about her improvements. She is not using her cane anymore, she is not freezing anymore, and she is getting her life back.
She is even integrating my techniques into her business.

Below extra videos about activities that can help you out of instincts states. But most people must remove the triggers via trauma theapy

Big and loud? This behavior also drags you out of instincts. No one wants to be big and loud when a tiger is close but it also works the other way around which can be used to your advantage. You become relaxed when you make noise and move with self-confidence when no predators are around you.

Here is a search with articles about Tai chi ... it also works on Parkinson’s. You can find similar articles with yoga, Qi Gong, meditation… But the story is the same: EVERYTHING that makes you relax improves Parkinson’s.


And here’s a link to the The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) which sums this up without giving the full explanation about why you get diseases and how you regenerate back to own health: The relationship between stress, anxiety and Parkinson’s disease

This page suggests some of the many things you can do to reduce symptoms. Just choose an activity, believe in it and be persistent. The hardest part is to step out of medication as dopamine stimulates your mood but can often give you side effects similar to your Parkinson’s symptoms. And dopamine is degraded to adrenaline, a stress hormone that kickstarts the fight, flight and freeze reaction in the body…



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